pkstudy.VS: Vital Statistics Data from an Imaginary PK Study.pkstudy.PC: Pharmacokinetic Concentration Data from an Imaginary PK Study.pkstudy.LB: Laboratory Test Data from an Imaginary PK Study.pkstudy.EX: Drug Exposure Data from an Imaginary PK Study.pkstudy.DM: Demographic Data from an Imaginary PK Study.pkstudy.CM: Concomitant Medication Data from an Imaginary PK Study.mixedData: A Class for Mixed Character and Numeric Data.is.sorted: Check Whether Vectors are Sorted.generate.assertions: Generate Assertions.egfr.mdrd: Estimated GFR Using the MDRD Formula.fault: Convenience Function for Computing Time Differences.difftime.days: Compute Time Difference In Days.crcl.cg: Creatinine Clearance Using the Cockroft-Gault Formula.: Compute Time Above a Threshold by Linear Interpolation.blk.singleValue: Extract a Single Value for Each Block in a Block Data Set.blk.shift: Shift Values Respecting Block Boundaries.blk.sequentialID: Create a Sequential ID.blk.noninformativeDose: Flag Non-informative Dose Events.blk.nearestMatch: Impute Values Using the Nearest Match.blk.locf: Last Observation Carried Forward.blk.isSteadyState: Flag Dose Events Occuring Under Steady-State Conditions.

blk.isConstant: Check Whether a Variable is Constant or Varying Withing.blk.indicators: Blockwise Indicator Functions.blk.findConsecutive: Finds Consecutive Rows With a Common Property.blk.concomitant: Find Concomitant Events.blk.changeFromBaseline: Compute Change from Baseline and Relative Time..trapezoid: Compute Area Under a Curve by the Trapezoid Rule.blk.applyNto1: Apply a Function to Each Block.asID: Make a Valid Block Format ID From One or More Vectors.age.in.years: Compute Age From Date-of-Birth.